Sunday, February 21, 2010


Storybook Mentors...grown-up wisdom from children's classics

This writer introduces you to beloved storybook characters and helps you discover deeper truths in these classic tales. She says, " When you boil all our knowledge down and distill it into simple truths, the lessons we learned as little girls have not been improved upon. Jesus tells us, 'Become like children.' Perhaps it is only through the perception of a child that we understand with the heart and know without question that we are precious to our Father."

Chapters in the book:

1. Anne of Green Gables
2. A Little Princess
3. Heidi
4. Pippi Longstocking
5. Pollyanna
6. Charlotte's Web
7. The Little Engine That Could
8. Black Beauty
9. The Secret Garden
10. The Velveteen Rabbit
11. Mary Poppins
12. Little Women
13. The Giving Tree
14. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
15. Make Way for Ducklings

She quotes Psalm 103:2-5 on her dedication page:
Bless the Lord, O My Soul, and forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives...
Who heals...
Who redeems...
Who crowns...
Who satisfies...
...So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

I will not take the time to post these stories, even though I have some on my other bookcase blog. This is a wonderful book that was published in 2001. I wrote her and told her about the postings of those stories on my blog...she emailed such a sweet sincere note.

1 comment:

  1. The following was sent to me via e-mail by the author of this book

    Dear Betty,
    Thank you for all your kind affirmations, and for taking the time to write and share them. Love your bookcase!

    Brenda Waggoner
